13 partners

7 countries

5 Universities / Research Institutes

8 Companies

2 Telecom Operators




The Institute of Communications and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA) was founded in 1989, as the research arm of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA (SECE-NTUA), with which it is associated, in the field of telecommunications systems and computer systems. The primary mandate of ICCS/NTUA has been to provide the facilities and organizational environment through which research could be performed and through which post-graduate students could receive research stipends and researchers could be employed. At present ICCS/NTUA employs more than 500 researchers including SECE faculty staff, senior research scientists, and PhD students.

Since its foundation ICCS/NTUA has evolved to exploit the strengths of the discipline of electrical and computer engineering, based on the quality of the students and faculty of SECE-NTUA. SECE-NTUA has been consistently the top choice for school leavers and ranked as the first or second, hardest university school to enter in all 93 schools in the national university entrance exams. SECE-NTUA faculty, have equally impressive scientific profiles, having had graduate tuition in having served in top US, Canadian and European universities as Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, Imperial College, etc. or research organizations as AT&T Bell Laboratories. In recognition as technology innovators several of the faculty members of SECE-NTUA have been appointed to key national and European posts. ICCS/NTUA participates in a broad range of EC funded subjects that essentially reflects the multi-disciplinary nature of electrical and computer engineering.

ICCS/NTUA will participate in Int5Gent through the Photonics Communications Research Laboratory (PCRL) research group. PCRL ( was founded in 1995 as a research group of NTUA. It is led by Prof. Hercules Avramopoulos and currently numbers 5 Senior Researchers and 12 PhD students. Its research activities span within the following thematic areas:

  • design, implementation and system- & network-level testing of photonic devices and subsystems for optical communication networks and datacom/computercom applications, including innovative solutions for high-capacity, flexible optical transmission networks, all-optical signal processing systems/subsystems, multi-wavelength sources for wavelength division multiplexing systems, and novel optical network architectures for datacenters.
  • development and FPGA implementation of digital signal processing algorithms for 5G and optical communication systems, including modulation/demodulation of bandwidth-efficient and/or impairment-resilient formats (PPM, QPSK, M-QAM, M-PAM, DMT, OFDM, etc.), dynamic transceiver functionality for flexible optical networks, transmission impairment monitoring/mitigation, and advanced equalization techniques.
  • design and testing of integrated photonic components on various integration platforms (e.g. silicon, polymer, glass) with particular focus on the development of coupling interfaces between different platforms.
  • design and implementation of photonic devices and subsystems for various sensing applications including food and drug analysis.

PCRL runs a fully equipped laboratory with state-of-the-art test and measurement systems and a broad range of passive and active photonic devices. The group has worldwide links and collaborations with top research institutes and industrial research organizations and its activities are supported by industrial grants as well as national and EU funded research programs. PCRL has significant presence and a proven track record with successful participation and leadership in a number of European projects like ICT-5G-COMPLETE, ICT-TWILIGHT, ICT-SEER, ICT-5GPHOS, ICT-3PEAT, ICT-TERRIFIC, FET-Flagship UNIQORN, ICT-QAMELEON, ICT-ORCESTRA, ICT-NEPHELE, ICT-HAMLET, ICT-SPIRIT, ICT-PANTHER, ICT-POLYSYS, ICT-MIRAGE, ICT-PHOXTROT, ICT-PLATON, ICT-BOOM, ICT-APACHE, ICT-EUROFOS, ICT-BONE, CRAFT-MULTIWAVE, IST-LASAGNE, IST-MUFINS, IST-e-Photon/One, ESPRIT DO-ALL.

Dr. Dimitris Apostolopoulos

Dr. Giannis Giannoulis


The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) is the largest university in Greece, established in 1925. Today the main campus extends over an area of 429 metric acres in the heart of the city and comprises 12 Faculties organized in a total number of 42 Schools that cover the full range of scientific disciplines. More than 70.000 undergraduate and 8.000 postgraduate students are working towards their degrees at the Aristotle University, while more than 2.200 Faculty members are employed as Teaching and Research personnel.

AUTH will participate in 5G-COMPLETE through its Wireless and Photonic Systems and Networks (Win.Phos) research group, established in 2016 at AUTH’s Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (C.I.R.I.) as a common facility of the Departments of Informatics, Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering. The main research activities of Win.Phos extend along a broad area in the field of wireless and photonic technologies with the main focus being on converged Fiber-Wireless networks for 5G networks, wireless scheduling and resource allocation, embedded systems for 5G networks, disaggregated computing, optical interconnects, οptical RAM architectures, and network-on-chip technologies and architectures. It is a fully equipped laboratory with a range of high-speed test and measurement systems for the characterization of passive and active photonic devices at bit rates up to 64 Gbps. Win.Phos has already participated in several FP7 and H2020 research projects (PLATON, RAMPLAS, Mirage, COMANDER and PhoxTrot, ICT-STREAMS, PlasmoFab, 5G-PHOS etc), having significant experience as project co-ordinator (COMANDER, RAMPLAS, PLATON, ICT-STREAMS, PlasmoFab etc.). Win.Phos is currently coordinating also the 5G-PHOS project, a large 5G-PPP Phase-II H2020 project focusing on fiber-wireless fronthaul technologies and photonic integrated technologies for employment in 5G network facilities.


University of Bristol is one of the UK’s leading research universities. UNIVBRIS has engaged in EU funded research for more than 20 years and has developed a dedicated support infrastructure, and experienced staff for participating in EU projects. High Performance Networks group (HPN), led by Professor Simeonidou, specializes in the application of advanced hardware and software network technologies for future transport and Data Centre networks. The group includes 4 academics (Prof. D. Simeonidou, Prof. R. Nejabati, Dr. G. Kanellos and Dr. S. Yan), 23 research staff including three research fellows (Drs. E. Hugues-Salas, Aloizio Pereira da Silva and A Tzanakaki) and post-doctoral researchers, 8 PhD students and one lab technician.

HPN specialises in the application of advanced hardware and software network technologies for future transport and Data Centre networks. HPN is an international leader and highly influential in the fields of optical networks, future internet research and experimentation, data centre and cloud computing, programable networks, software and hardware defined networking and more recently, 5G networks, smart city Infrastructures and AI assisted networking. Over the years the group has made significant breakthroughs in technology areas such as network slicing, software defined networking, QKD networking, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) orchestration, programable networks and virtualization for 5G and Smart City Infrastructures.

HPN has a strong experimental focus and has built an extremely well-equipped research laboratory. In addition, the HPN owns an experimental 5G urban test-bed including wireless, front-haul , optical back-haul and packet core deployed in city centre of Bristol. This is one the of three 5G test-beds in UK funded by £16 million UK DCM program for building test networks to trial 5G technologies test-bed. As part of this program HPN led development and commissioning of the 5G UK Exchange, a novel 5G service brokering system enabling end-to-end 5G network service orchestration, and provisioning across multiple autonomous 5G network domains. Part of this work is publicly available as an opensource contributions to the ETSI based NFV orchestrators.

The HPN lab is also part of UK National Dark Fibre Facility (NDFF) and has dedicated connectivity to the national and international research network infrastructure through which has built close collaborations with leading research institutions in Europe, USA, Brazil and Japan. Furthermore, the HPN group coordinating the UK project INITIATE (The UK Programmable Fixed and Mobile Internet Infrastructure”. With INITIATE, a unique infrastructure interconnecting testbed in different UK universities will be established with the UK’s first SDN exchange.


SIKLU Communications Ltd. is an SME that has been founded in 2008 with a vision of dramatically reducing the cost of high capacity wireless backhaul solutions operating in mm-wave spectrum. SIKLU is a manufacturer of carrier-class E-band (70/80 GHz) and V-band (60 GHz) radio solutions for delivery of Ethernet based wireless backhaul links. Being a system house, Siklu is an expert in all aspects of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint mm-wave link design and deployment, starting from radio coverage and interference analysis, commencing with antenna, radio chip and modem design, and including layer 2 and layer 3 networking specifics typically used in commercial networks. Currently, SIKLU is leading vendor in worldwide millimeter-wave link deployments and as such has rich field experience with commercial deployment of mm-wave communication technology.


The Institute of Accelerating Systems and Applications (IASA) promotes research and postgraduate studies in the Greek university system. It is affiliated with six university departments: Medicine, Physics and Informatics of the National and Kapodirstrian University of Athens and Electrical & Computer Engineering, Chemical Engineering and General Science of the National Technical University of Athens. IASA is an autonomous legal entity governed by a Board of Directors elected by the governing bodies of the two Universities. It is charged with pursuing research and promoting graduate studies in areas where accelerator related technologies play a major role. Its cross disciplinary character, its infrastructure and its expertise in enabling technologies have proven to provide particularly attractive and fertile ground on a number of technology-driven scientific fronts. IASA is currently engaged in many cutting-edge R&D projects. Several tens of graduate students (M. Sc. and Ph. D.) and post- docs have been carrying out research at IASA under the supervision of faculty from the two universities.


Innovations for High Performance microelectronics / Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik, with Acronym IHP, ( has a team of 270 scientists and professionals with core competence in wireless communication system design, RF-circuit design, material research, and process technology. As a member institute of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Society, the core funding comes from the German Federal Government and the State Government of Brandenburg. The institute aims at establishing the region of East-Brandenburg as a high-tech region and creating jobs through innovation. The IHP uses its research and development competences to enhance the competitiveness of German and European businesses and works closely with the Federal and State Governments to attract international companies to the region.


Nextworks S.r.l., located in Pisa (Italy), is a dynamic R&D SME that was created in 2002 as a spin-off company of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Division of the Consorzio Pisa Ricerche (CPR–DITEL). Nextworks was created by a group of engineers and computer scientists who gained high experience in National and International research projects and industrial consultancies since 1995. Nextworks operates in the ICT sector, collaborating with some of the major European manufacturers and operators (e.g., Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Wind, Interoute, OpenFiber). The company’s team boasts long-term experience and proved skills in the frameworks of Control Plane technologies for wired and wireless transport networks, design and development of complex software on both traditional and embedded platforms and in Quality of Service (QoS) in packet networks, IP telephony, digital video encoding and streaming. The specific nature and technical position of these activities require a leading-edge, up-to-date know-how and technical expertise. In order to fulfil this requirement, Nextworks participates actively in EU-funded research projects (within H2020, FP7 and FP6), cooperating with both academic and industrial partners, as an important and preferential investment to develop and update know-how on selected topics. Nextworks has a solid background on design, development and integration of full networking protocol and SDN/NFV/MEC stacks. Nextworks research team features high expertise and know-how in design and implementation of SDN architectures and controllers, NFV MANO and MEC components, service composition and network slicing frameworks, monitoring platforms, and joint cloud+network resource orchestration architectures, with hands-on experience with OpenDaylight and ONOS, OpenStack (with main focus on Neutron, Heat and Ceilometer modules), Open Source Mano and Prometheus. Nextworks has already been active in standardization activities (e.g., in ETSI NFV, ETSI MEC, ETSI ZSM, IETF/IRTF and OGF). The R&D team has recently participated to the three ETSI Specialist Task Forces in ETSI NFV and ETSI MEC and has served as member of the ETSI CTI team for the organization, execution and reporting of the 2nd and 3rd NFV Plugtest in ETSI Headquarters.

Nextworks is participating in several H2020 projects on 5G (5G-Crosshaul and SELFNET from 5G PPP Phase 1, 5G-TRANSFORMER, SLICENET, 5GCity, 5G-MEDIA and blueSPACE from 5G PPP Phase 2, 5G-EVE and 5G-CroCo), coupled with activities on 5G Verticals industries like IoT and Factory of the Future in the eFACTORY, SYMBIOTE, MONROE and COMPOSITION projects and on optical technologies (ORCHESTRA, NEPHELE and QAMeleon projects). Quite often NXW successfully covers roles of WP and task leader for the activity items of specific expertise. Nextworks has also strong expertise in design and development of control component and network security architectures, offered as consultancy service to renowned vendors (Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent/Nokia, Italtel) and operators/agencies (Interoute, ESA).


Mellanox Technologies (MLNX) is a supplier of end-to-end InfiniBand and Ethernet interconnect solutions and services for servers and storage. Mellanox offers a broad portfolio of interconnect products: adapters, switches, software, cables and silicon for a range of markets including computing, enterprise Data centers, Web 2.0, Cloud, Storage and financial services. Mellanox’ top notch equipment is preferred among HPC cluster managers: Mellanox connects 39% of TOP500 systems (192 systems) as well as all of 25G, 40G and 100G Eth. systems in the TOP500 list. Mellanox accelerates 2 of the TOP5 supercomputers. The company has over 2500 employees globally and 2/3 of its global workforce is hosted in Israel, with a significant portion (~1400) conducting research and development. Mellanox has several R&D centers in Europe with main HQ being in Denmark, UK, Czech Republic and Sweden.

Mellanox is a vertically integrated company developing in-house a broad range of network interface cards (NICs), switches, network processors as well as the associated management software. Mellanox has a breadth of research activities in the fields of High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, storage, Network Function Virtualization, advanced network acceleration technologies (RDMA, DPDK), switch programmability, Big Data, virtualization and cloud. Mellanox has pioneered the development of an end-to-end commercial offering for 200 Gb/s combining its photonics and systems developments in a consolidated solution and has recently showcased its first 400 Gb/s products.


ADVA Optical Networking SE (ADVA) is a global provider of telecommunications equipment. With innovative Optical, Ethernet and Control transport solutions, ADVA SE builds the foundation for high-speed, next generation networks. The company’s FSP product family adds scalability and intelligence to customers’ networks while removing complexity and cost. With a flexible and fast-moving organization, ADVA SE forges close partnerships with its customers to meet growing demand for data, storage, voice and video services and has become a trusted partner for more than 200 carriers and 10,000 enterprises across the globe. ADVA SE is a global market leader in Metro WDM systems and Ethernet Access Devices.

ADVA Optical Networking worldwide counts more than 1850 employees, of which more than 700 are engineers working in research and development functions. ADVA has more than 20 years of experience in building optical and Ethernet transport equipment for access, metro and regional/core networks. It is and has been involved in various national and international research projects.


NUBIFICUS is a recently incorporated startup that targets ultra-fast application spawning and execution at the Edge & in the Cloud. The main focus is bringing the benefits of unikernels to serverless computing by taking advantage of the low-memory footprint, the ultra-fast spawn times and the efficient execution of unikernels. NUBIFICUS leverages the high expertise of its team with regards to systems software design and development, to deliver an efficient application deployment framework to low-power devices at the Edge.


COSMOTE is a member of OTE Group and a member of Deutsche Telekom Group (since March/09) and was commercially launched in April/98. Within a short period COSΜΟΤΕ succeeded in becoming the leading provider of mobile telecommunications services in Greece. Today COSΜΟΤΕ accounts for more than 50% of the Greek subscribers’ base exceeding 8 million (Q4/2018). COSΜΟΤΕ holds the leading market position in Greece since 2001, having an impressive record of very important firsts: HSDPA (June/06), HSPA+ (May/09), MBB at 28.8 Mbps (Mar/10), MBB at 42.2 Mbps (adopting HSPA+ Dual Carrier) in real network conditions (May/10), demonstrated speeds of 100 Mbps (DL)/45 Mbps (UL) using commercial LTE terminals, 4G/LTE services (Nov/12), 4G+/LTE-A services with speeds above 300Mbps (Feb/15) and 500Mbps (Dec/16). In addition, COSΜΟΤΕ supports and participates in the 5G pilot conducted in the Municipality of Zografou, Athens (2019).

OTE Group is the largest telecommunications provider in the Greek market and one of the leading telecom groups in SE Europe, offering a full range of telecommunications services: from fixed-line and mobile telephony, broadband services, to pay television and ICT solutions, while it is also involved in maritime communications, real-estate, energy, insurance services and professional training.

OTE Group is a pioneer in technological advances and by far the largest investor in telecommunications infrastructure in Greece. OTE Group promotes consistently research and development through its continuous and devoted participation in R&D EU funded projects in selective domains, with focal interest in the 5G-PPP initiatives. During 2018, the OTE Group participated in 25 innovative funded R&D EU projects, in various technological areas; 15 5G-PPP ones among them (4 x Phase 1, 7 x Phase II and 4 x Phase 3). By participating in R&D projects, the OTE Group is expected to boost its technological excellence and upgrade the services provided to its customers, as it gains expertise in cutting-edge technologies from the early stages of their development and it actively participates in shaping future technology solutions, market applications and innovative business models. Furthermore, OTE Group has a strategic interest in supporting sustainability through many initiatives, both research and commercial. In 2018 and for the 10th year, OTE was listed among world’s top companies on sustainable development issues, significantly contributing to the society, the environment and the responsible corporate governance, according to the international FTSE4Good indexes. Indicative OTE Group achievements (Greece, 2017): 70% of waste generated was recycled, 320 t of paper were saved due to the utilization of digital applications, and more than 110,000 pieces of end devices (modems, TV decoders), were reused after refurbishment

Dr. George Lyberopoulos

Mrs Elina Theodoropoulou


Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 41.1 billion euros in 2017 and 152,000 employees worldwide end 2017, including 96 thousand employees in France. Present in 28 countries, the Group has a total customer base of 273 million customers worldwide, including 189 million mobile customers and 18 million fixed broadband customers. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies, under the brand Orange Business Services.

Orange is persuaded that research should be integrated in the efforts to breach the gaps between the physical and the digital worlds. By focusing our integrated and open research at the same time on the customers, the Group itself and its ecosystems, Orange is legitimate to identify and guide technological breakthroughs, new usages and practices in order to build key assets in the future. This approach is reflected in the work being conducted by three integrated platforms within Orange research activities:

  1. Ambient connectivity (Plug’in), with the development of virtual network functions working towards both independent and effective network management,
  2. The Internet of Things (Thing’in), with the discovery and management of objects and the operation and the enhancement of relationships between them and finally,

The smart home (Home’in), whose target is the design of an intelligent and smart “place of your own”.

In numbers, Orange research:

  • Has 600 researchers and 140 doctoral/post-doctoral members with various skills (engineers, technicians, designers, sociologists, developers, etc.).
  • Is no. 1 European operator in terms of patent registrations.
  • 200 patents filed each year with significant contributions to standardisation (5G, video coding, etc.).
  • Has more than 30 partnerships with cutting-edge research centres and 50 cooperative research programs, with French, European or global players.
  • Participates in 8 “competitiveness clusters”, 2 Institutes of Research and Technology (B<>Com and SystemX), 2 joint laboratories with French CNRS and INRIA, and 12 academic chairs.
  • Produces approximately 140 scientific publications per year with widespread recognition from researchers across the globe in both journals and international conferences.


Accelleran N.V. is a startup/scaleup SME based in Belgium. Accelleran is a company dedicated to engineering best-in-class small cell solutions for the communications industry. Formed by a team with a track record in the small cell industry second to none and working with leading vendors and operators in the industry, Accelleran is building the high capacity networks needed to serve the mobile internet of today and tomorrow. Accelleran delivers multi-platform multi-segment flexible carrier and mission critical grade LTE TDD and LTE FDD small cell solutions. The software architecture enables the delivery of residential, enterprise, urban and rural/remote small cell solutions based on a common small cell software engine which can map on different deployment architectures from fully embedded Small Cell solution to distributed cloud RAN. Accelleran participates and is part of industry fora such as O-RAN, M-CORD, TIP, ETSI ISG MEC, CBRS Alliance, Small Cell Forum, Global TD-LTE Initiative.